A brisk walk could cut your risk of early death, even if you're obese.
Stop policing yourself with food. Instead, focus on understanding and nurturing yourself. The science-backed result? Real weight loss. Here’s how.
Half of us over 50 will have weak bones by 2020 unless we make changes.
Robin Williams also suffered from the disease, often misdiagnosed as Alzheimer's.
Your employer may soon let you have virtual medical visits, but should you?
Disorders of this small gland are common, especially in older women.
A study shows older adults aren’t getting the care they want at life’s end.
Beat the heat with these cool and refreshing recipes.
Taking a team approach can net the best results for your parents.
Get these nutritional freeloaders out of your kitchen — they're not doing your body any good.
After a certain age, some may not offer any benefit.
Figuring out what the scale should say, not what you want it to, is worth the trouble.
How you can fine-tune your eating habits to live longer and healthier.
People over 50 make up the majority of those with the deadly disease.